4/20 Socialites Event - Dating & Compatibility Coach

Excited for the Socialites event this evening where we’ll use AI to have fun together!

Tonight we will use ChatGPT to help us find love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

…just kidding!

But, we will use it to create personalized dating profiles and then [optionally!] use those to figure out how compatible we are with other people in the room.

All you need to bring is your phone, and make sure you have at least a free OpenAI account: New chat (openai.com).

See ya’ll soon!

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Activity Instructions:

  • Open ChatGPT on your phone (chat.openai.com).
  • Copy and paste the starting prompt exactly as is into the chat and hit SEND.
  • Follow the AI’s instructions and answer it’s questions. You should end up with a Dating Bio paragraph.
  • Reply to this post with your Dating Bio so others can see it.
  • In the same chat, write “Compatibility Mode” and hit SEND. The AI will then ask you to paste in another persons’ Dating Bio to reveal your Compatibility Rating with that person.


  • Stay in the same chat thread the entire time
  • The more information you give the AI about yourself, the more creative and accurate it will be
  • You can ask the AI to rewrite your Dating Bio until you like it
  • Find Mav or Paul if you need help
  • This is meant to be silly - so just have fun :wink:

Starting Prompt:
Please act as my dating coach. You will walk me step-by-step through the process of creating a dating profile. Then, you will determine my compatibility with another person by comparing my dating profile to theirs.

First, ask me my name.

Once you know my name, ask me these questions to decode my dating preferences.
What do you value most about yourself?
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Who is someone that you admire?
What are you looking for in a partner?
What is your favorite emoji and why?

Then, use all my answers to write a 100-word dating profile about me. The profile should be unique and do not use my answers verbatim. Send me the dating profile and ask me if I like it.

Next, if I like it, enter “compatibility mode.” Instruct me to send you the dating profile of someone else. Then, use what you know about me to make your best guess at how compatible I would be with that person. Provide a percentage where 100% = very compatible. Provide a detailed rationale for your answer, an example message I could write to that person, and a red flag about that person that I should investigate. Then, ask me if I’d like to share another dating profile for a compatibility assessment.

Do you need any clarification on these instructions?

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Mav’s Dating Bio paragraph

Meet Mav, a curious soul with a passion for learning and connecting with others. With a strong work ethic and compassionate nature, Mav is always striving for success. When not conquering the world, you’ll find Mav exploring the city, discovering hidden bars, scavenging through used bookstores, spinning, or diving into graphic novels. A fan of the inspirational Leslie Knope, Mav seeks a partner who is affectionate, supportive, fun, and shares a deep intellect. Let’s embrace the :mirror_ball::skull_and_crossbones: philosophy – dance and laugh through the absurdity of life together!

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Hey, I’m Paul and I’m all about living life to the fullest. I value independence and crave new experiences that push me out of my comfort zone. I’m constantly inspired by Lao Tsu’s teachings on the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment. I’m searching for a partner who shares my passion for adventure, and who can bring joy and positivity to any situation. My favorite emoji is the :fire: because it represents my fiery spirit and enthusiasm for life. If you’re up for exploring the world with someone who is always on the go, let’s connect and see where the adventure takes us!

Hey there, I’m Mark! I’m someone who loves taking risks and seeking out new adventures. I value hard work and am always striving to be my best self. When I’m not busy hustling, you can find me watching TV shows, staying active, or treating myself to a nice meal.

One of the things I admire most in people is when they excel in their craft. I find it incredibly inspiring when someone has a true passion for something and works hard to be the best at it.

In a partner, I’m looking for someone who is honest, caring, and intelligent. I believe that honesty and kindness are essential qualities in any relationship, and I’m drawn to people who are always seeking to learn and grow.

As for emojis, I’m a big fan of :saluting_face:. It’s a fun way to express admiration and respect, and it always makes me smile.

Meet Stan, the chameleon of the dating world, adapting seamlessly to any situation. When he’s not scaling mountains like a human-gecko hybrid, Stan can be found tearing up the dance floor or attending meetups with the same gusto as a caffeinated squirrel. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Elon Musk and Bill Gates, Stan is always keen on expanding his mind, ideally without turning into a cyborg. In search of a partner who’s fun, active, and ready for adventure, Stan is on a mission to find his ultimate emoji soulmate – the one who truly appreciates the almighty :grin:.

Meet Tyler, a quick-witted individual who never fails to bring a smile to people’s faces. With a passion for building things and learning new skills, Tyler also enjoys staying active through exercise and sports. Valuing his sense of humor and unique outlook on life, he effortlessly infuses fun and adventure into everyday experiences. In search of a partner with aligned life goals and a zest for personal growth, Tyler is ready to embark on a journey filled with laughter and shared ambitions. Reach out to Tyler and explore the exciting connection you may share.

Meet Tim, a fitness enthusiast who values his independence and intellect. When he’s not hitting the gym, you can find him exploring the Seattle food scene or hanging out with friends. Tim is inspired by the ancient philosopher Marcus Aurelius, and he loves reading his book “Meditations”.

Tim is looking for a partner who is playful, honest, and shares his love for creating new experiences and memories. He believes that everyone deserves positive energy, which is why his favorite emoji is :). If you’re someone who enjoys good food, good company, and good conversation, Tim would love to hear from you!

Aspiring app developer who loves to learn and explore new things in my free time. Whether it’s tinkering with Python or defeating virtual foes, I’m always looking to expand my horizons. I admire Philipp Rudiger, an open source developer, for his creativity and innovation. I’m seeking a partner who can help me take my app development skills to the next level and market them successfully. When it comes to humor, I can’t get enough of a good laugh, and the :joy: emoji is a staple in my conversations. Looking for someone who’s up for fun and adventure - let’s make some memories together!

(I use he/him but I have a woman’s name - thanks ChatGPT! Haha)

Brynn is an intelligent, empathetic, and loving individual who values personal growth. In her free time, she enjoys reading, learning new things, and working on various projects. Brynn looks up to Kshama Sawant for her unwavering dedication to fighting for social justice. She is seeking a partner who shares similar values and who is open-minded. Brynn’s favorite emoji is the baby chick because it represents new beginnings and the potential for growth. If you’re looking for a kind-hearted and compassionate partner who is passionate about personal growth and social justice, Brynn might be the one for you.

Heather is a vibrant soul who embraces the adventure of life with enthusiasm. A Lego aficionado in her leisure time, she relishes the challenge of transforming plastic bricks into intricate masterpieces. Heather draws inspiration from science fiction author Nancy Kress, whose creativity fuels her own imaginative spirit. She seeks a partner whose intellect shines bright, fostering stimulating conversations and shared discoveries. Heather’s favorite emoji, the robot arm, reflects her fascination with innovation and the ever-evolving world of technology. If you’re a curious, intelligent individual, you might just be the perfect match for this dynamic explorer.

Meet Paul, a witty and intellectual writer with a passion for exploring the unknown. Inspired by the works of Arthur C. Clarke, he values intelligence and is seeking someone who can match his intellectual curiosity. When he’s not writing, you can find him engrossed in his favorite book or tinkering with his latest project. Paul’s favorite emoji is the fire because he loves the intensity and passion that comes with life. If you’re looking for someone who can keep up with your intellect and spark your curiosity, Paul is the match for you."

“Hi there! I’m Jae, a kind and creative soul with an expansive mind and a big heart. In my free time, you can find me indulging in my love for reading, gardening, and practicing yoga, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature. I greatly admire Phoebe Waller-Bridge for her wit and talent. When it comes to a partner, I’m looking for someone who is smart, funny, kind, and interesting, with a sexy non-obvious charm. I love asking and listening to good questions. Life is ridiculous, which is why my favorite emoji is the winky face sticking out its tongue. Let’s share a laugh and create some beautiful memories together!”

Hi there! I’m Ulysses, a fun-loving and curious individual with a great sense of humor. In my free time, you’ll find me indulging in my love for learning, whether it’s through reading, taking online courses, or exploring new hobbies. I deeply admire Elon Musk for his visionary mindset and relentless pursuit of innovation. I’m looking for a partner who shares my appreciation for laughter and someone who isn’t afraid to break a sweat, whether it’s through a workout or an adventure. My go-to emoji is the smiley face because it reflects my light-hearted and positive nature. Let’s embark on an exciting journey together!

“Hello there, I’m Austin, and I’m always curious and seeking new knowledge. I love to read and explore different ideas, and in my free time, you’ll find me taking on new challenges and seeking adventure. Hemingway is someone I truly admire - his writing style is so captivating and powerful. I’m looking for a partner who is easygoing and fun-loving, and who can share in my love of exploration and discovery. The :thinking: emoji is one of my favorites because it represents my inquisitive nature and my love for pondering different ideas. If you’re someone who wants to join me on this journey of exploration, then let’s connect and see where it takes us!”

Hey there! I’m Jimmy and I’m a resilient and persistent go-getter who values hard work and dedication. When I’m not working, I love to explore new cities and immerse myself in the local culture, trying out new foods and experiences. I also enjoy working out and hitting up comedy clubs to get my daily dose of laughter. Lex Fridman is someone who inspires me, with his passion for learning and personal growth. I’m looking for someone who’s easy-going, has a good sense of humor, and loves adventure. Oh, and my favorite emoji is the laughing emoji - nothing beats a good laugh!

Meet Chris - a resilient, intelligent, and adventurous guy who loves to explore new cities and ride electric scooters. In his free time, he can be found planning his next travel adventure. Chris is inspired by successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. He is looking for a beautiful, kind, intelligent, capable, and sensitive woman who shares his love for adventure and has a great sense of humor. Chris’s favorite emoji is :melting_face: because he finds it hilarious and loves its ambiguous meaning. Swipe right if you’re ready to embark on an exciting journey with him!

Compatibility mode

Sorry Stan, wasn’t meant to be:

Name Score
Mav 75%
Paul 65%
Mark 80%
Stan 50%
Tyler 85%
Tim 85%
Anon 75%
Heather 85%
Paul 2 85%
Ulysses 75%
Austin 70%
Jimmy 75%
Chris 70%

Hello there! I’m Ryan, and I value adaptability as a key trait in navigating life’s twists and turns. As an avid reader, you’ll often find me curled up with a good book, lost in its captivating world. One person I truly admire is my sister, whose unwavering strength and resilience inspire me every day.

In my free time, I enjoy immersing myself in creative pursuits, whether it’s writing, painting, or playing a musical instrument. I have a keen eye for elegance and appreciate the beauty in art and design. I’m also a firm believer in maintaining a positive and cool outlook on life, which is why my favorite emoji is the wink – it’s playful and conveys a sense of optimism.

In a partner, I value someone who shares similar values of adaptability, creativity, and elegance. Someone who appreciates the beauty in life’s little moments and approaches challenges with grace and resilience. Together, we can create our own story, filled with adventures, laughter, and meaningful connections. If you’re intrigued, let’s embark on this journey together and see where it takes us!