AI Hustlers - Co-Working Session #2 (4/25/23 - 6pm)

For the next AI Hustlers co-working session @brig_mecham has volunteered to lead a discussion of ‘Attention Is All You Need’. The goal of this meeting would be to go thru the technical aspects of the paper, and how that relates to any personal projects anyone is working on.

Again our current space can only accommodate 8 people so we are hoping to have a small group discussion and work on or demo any ongoing projects

Location: South Lake Union (By Denny Way/Lenora, will message specific address)
Date: Tuesday - 4/25/23
Time: 6:00 pm

Thanks again @stanmaciag for hosting!


Hey that’s perfect! I’ve been meaning to read and attempt to understand that paper. I’ll try to be there.

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I may be going to this beforehand if anyone else wants to come. Last time I went it was good.

Starts at 4

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Hello everyone! I attended the last artist meetup. Thanks for hosting. Will these Monday/Tues coworking sessions replace the Thursday meetups?

Looks like I can’t make those days but would love to join if the Thurs are still happening.

that looks super interesting, will be busy until 6 but curious to hear about how that goes!

hi mark! :wave: the weekly Thursday meetings are still happening for each chapter (Thinkers, Artists, Hustlers, Socialites). These specific co-working sessions are meant to supplement the AI Hustlers chapter and give people time to collaborate and work on personal projects.
For right now we are scheduling them ad-hoc based on people’s schedule, hopefully moving forward we will get a regular meetup going

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Thanks Tim - Looks like there’s no meetup tomorrow then? Hope to join the next one.

There should be one tomorrow…
@payne @Mav is the Socialites meetup full for tomorrow?

Nope! Not full - others are welcome to join

Here’s a link: Join me at AI Socialites - Chapter Meeting

Looks like 3 on waitlist as of 10AM. Your meetup is getting popular :slight_smile:

opened up some more spots! should be good now :+1:

Our meetup. :wink:

Is there a second meetup group for these events? How do you join?

No separate meet up, just a small group of us discussing ‘Attention is All You Need’ today
Can message you the address and my phone number if you are interested in attending!


Curious when the next co-working session might be!

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@tim or @mr-coconot ? Is there a co-working session planned?

Chances are slim. Both Tim and I will be out of town. I will be back in ~3 weeks and Tim late June or early July I believe.

I will spin sth up after coming back.

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