Artist Meetup Group: Jumpy and Cactus: Unstoppable Railroaders

Once upon a time, in the sun-scorched American Wild West of 1876, a brave little jerboa named Jumpy decided to leave his cozy burrow in Africa to seek adventure and fortune. He had heard tales of the bustling railroad construction across the vast American plains and knew that was where he was meant to be. With his heart full of hope and his backpack filled with courage, Jumpy embarked on the long journey to join the hardworking crews laying down tracks for the mighty steam engines.

As Jumpy diligently hammered away on the railroad, he noticed a scraggly coyote named Cactus, who struggled to keep up with the faster workers. The other animals made fun of Cactus, mocking his limping gait and howling laughter. Instead of joining in, Jumpy took a moment to understand Cactus’s story. He learned that Cactus had lost his family to hunters and injured his leg while escaping a trap. Jumpy’s heart swelled with empathy for his new friend, and together they formed an unbreakable bond. Their newfound camaraderie lifted both their spirits, and they worked side by side to help build the railroad that would forever connect the Wild West with the rest of the world.


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some nightmare fuel

I wasn’t at the event. How did you create these images?

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Most teams used midjourney but I used Bing’s instance of DALL-E. I created them by making a custom prompt based on the story material. I think other teams maybe copy and pasted the story directly to make them.

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