Midjourney Notes

Hi all, if anyone is interested diving into some Midjourney Notes rabbit holes, I thought I’d post some of the things I’ve accumulated and learned since 2022.


I originally started categorizing what I could and exported my notes into .PDFs on these topics below-

Learning - Architecture.pdf
Learning - Interiors.pdf
Learning - Things.pdf
Learning - Characters.pdf
Learning - Design.pdf
Learning - Other.pdf
Learning - Online Portfolios.pdf
Learning - internet.pdf

I haven’t had time to sort through my recently added notes but thought I’d include those as well for reference -

Learning - Rankings.pdf
Learning - Portfolios V.pdf
Learning - Online Portfolios IV.pdf
Learning - Online Portfolios II.pdf
Learning - Online Portfolios III.pdf

Hope this helps anyone interested in Midjourney.



Additionally it looks like the Midjourney folks hold Office Hours typically on Wednesdays starting around noon PST. Since they don’t have a firm rotating schedule and these OH occur typically every other 2 - 3 weeks I’d suggest keeping tabs on the ANNOUNCEMENTS tab in Discord for more info.

Here’s a link to their last OH questionnaire form: Midjourney Office Hours


Office Hours link for this Wednesday - Midjourney

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Sweet thanks for the info! :raised_hands:t3:

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Thanks for sharing (and including the PDFs, can’t open One Note for some reason)


I could open but it took a long while to load. :man_shrugging:t2:

He did say 30,000 prompts!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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